Real Estate and Housing Services
- 101 Apartment For Rent - features apartment rental resources.
- Advanced Appraisals - Full service appraisal firm performing quality appraisals for individuals, banks, mortgage companies, attorneys and others. Specializing in Residential Properties in the counties of Santa Clara, Alameda, San Mateo and Contra Costa.
- Altas Realty / Financial Services, Inc. - Cupertino and Bay Area Real Estate
- America to Asia Property Investment - We provide one-stop services to your Shanghai Property Investment
- American Western Financial & Investment, Inc. - Home Loans and Mortgages
- Apartment Finder - Find apartments for rent in major US cities.
- Apartment Finder - A website that provides apartment listings and moving resources in major U.S. cities.
- B.C. Realty - Commercial real estate in the Bay Area
- Bay Area professional property management - Work for you if you have properties FOR RENT
- - Bay Area Chinse/English Real Estate Listing.
- CalLoan123 - Mortgage Loan Consultant - Specialize in saving you money, getting your mortgage loan, refinance, cash-out, line of credit, or debt consolidation. Give me a call.
- CalLoan123 - Mortgage Loan Consultant - Specialize in saving you money, getting your mortgage loan, refinance, cash-out, line of credit, or debt consolidation. Give me a call.
- Century 21 - Mission Bishop - (in Fremont City) - Century 21 - Mission Bishop - (in Fremont City)
- Chinese Property For Rent Website - It is a website you can list your rental property for free.
- - a online real estate site..
- Fremont Best.Com - Fremont City Real Estates - Help You to Sell and Buy Houses in Fremont City Fast - Hurry !!!!
- Golden Key Finance - The Bay Area's Leader in Financial Services ==> Ask for Mike!
- Home Builder Locator - Provides online resources on home builders.
- Ink Focus - Looking for a roommate or a place to rent in the Bay Area? Post it at Ink Focus!
- Invest in Shanghai Properties - We provide one-stop services to your Shanghai Property investment
- JAKE THE REALTOR - For Sale By Owner (FSBO) MLS Listing Assistance for just $499
- Jason Huang-Realtor Who Help you Sell/Buy house - Fremont-Union City-Newark-East Bay-Real Estate-Silcon Vally Real Estate-Many Houses For Sale Now !!!
- Jiaqiong Wu - House buying and selling Information
- Jiaqiong Wu : Realtor from K & K Realty - Find any information about Housing, School and Neighborhood
- Kathy Xiao from Realty World - House buying/selling and refinance service
- Loan agent and Realtor - Server the bay area. List your home at 4%. No fee refinance.
- Lynn Shi Realtor - Specialize in First Time Home Buying in South Bay and East Bay
- Maggie Miura - Specialize in helping homebuyers and sellers. Fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.
- Michael Chen, Broker/ Owner - New Century Realty - - Professional service for all your real estate needs in Bay Area. The best quality and great result of buying or selling your house is our only one goal!!
- - features online resources on mortgage.
- Pacificwide Lending - It is an online mortgage website which allow the borrower to choose the different loan programs at the comfort of his/her own dining room, and be able to get loan approval within 15 minutes. Please check it out.
- Prudential California Realty - For the most current MLS listings, free market analysis, school information and scores, relocation tools, and other resources
- Realtor Finder - realtors, real estate agents, real estate brokers, buyer agents, appraisers.
- Online Realtor Directory - A directory of real estate agents.
- Refinance Mortgage Information - Information you need for refinance mortgage
- SCEA Housing Exchange - SCEA Housing Exchange, A BBS to exchange housing information
- Serving Bay Area Real Estate - Homes For Sell and Buy In Bay Area
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