Mailing Lists
- BAY_Science - Bay Area Young Scientists Forum (BAYSF)
- Bay Area Asian Filmmakers - A new group out to promote and encourage ppl who like Asian film and who want to make films to get together, and organize projects.
- BayFriends - message board of Bay United Professionals, a coalition of (young) professionals with dreams, both current and coming, at the bay area.
- BayGame - This mailing list is for bay area Chinese people who love card and board games
- BayLife - mailing list for community life at Bay area. Created by Bay United Young Professionals, donated to public info exchange.
- C-Bioinformatics - C-Bioinformatics is a non-commercial, non-professional group for chinese people who are interested and/or working in the bioinformatics/computational biology field for exchanging information, sharing ideas and knowledge, discussing opportunities.
- CNetwork Volleyball Team - This email list is for CNetwork volleyball plays and their fan friends
- Capital_club - Investment forum
- China-Venture-Club - an eGroup for people associated with greater China Venture Capital and Venture Business
- Hong Kong Alumni Club (HKAC) - Hong Kong Alumni Club is a group of young fun-loving people who was educated in Hong Kong and living in the USA. Come join us!
- Hunchnet SF mailing list - Hunchnet mailing list for San Francisco Bay Area
- Investip - Special Interest Group Dedicated To Practical, Usable Ideas Relating To Market Timing, Stock Selection, Options Strategies, Etc
- JidaUS - This is a group for Alumni of Jilin University in US West.
- SCEA-Tennis - This is a group of dedicated SCEA tennis players located in Silicon Valley.
- SF Bay area tennis - SF Bay area tennis
- SVShangHai - This is a group of people who came from Shanghai and live in Silicon Valley, and we can share the Silicon Valley living information and get some chance to meet together. Feel free to join and share your information.
- SVSpeakUp - A public speech club in the bay area
- ShallWeDance - Friends with similar interests, dancing and other....
- Silicon Valley Ai Yue Chorus - A Chinese choral society
- SuperFriday - SuperFriday, an Internet club, is for professional Chinese in America to share our interests, our thoughts, and our life.
- SyPA - Mailing list for SYPA, Silicon valley Young Professionals Association,
- SyPA_Events - SyPA_Events is the venue where SyPA-organized/sponsored events and activities are broadcasted.
- ValleyWalk - This is a mailing list for the visitors. This mailing list provides useful information to the San Francisco Bay Area Chinese community and allows members to post ads and exchange information.
- Wild_California - This club provides real and cyber space for young professionals in San Francisco Bay Area who enjoy outdoor activities.
- acsss - ACSSS discussion list
- bay-parents - Bay Area Chinese Parents Mailing List
- bayfood - This group is dedicated to San Francisco Bay Area Chinese professionals who are into trying different restaurants, new recipes, and wine tasting.
- c-bay - A General Purpose mailing list serving Bay Area Chinese
- career_forum - A forum to exchange ideas, knowledge, professional experience about personal career development.
- cccclub - CCCC - California Chinese Camera Club, A forum formed by people who love photography.
- cnetwork-news - CNetwork newsletters and announcements
- cnetwork-tennis - This group is for CNetwork Tennis lovers to communicate with each other conveniently.
- e-club - This is a group of entrepreneurs at the Bay area for group discussions and seminars on business or technical issues.
- eFun - eFun Group mailing list
- eureka_club - This mailing list is for free email exchanges between members of Eureka Club -- a private social club located in the Silicone Valley.
- ice-skating-bay - Bay Area mailing list for chinese ice skating fans
- nankai-sfba - Nankai Alumni Association at San Francisco Bay Area
- pkuaanc - This group is for Peking University Alumni Association of Northern California (PKUAANC) to post its messages to alumni and friends.
- scea - Anouncements from Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Association (SCEA)
- scfa-forum - Silicon Valley Chinese Friendships Association (SCFA) Forum is established to promote communications among all Chineses.
- sjsuccc - Chinese Cultural Club of SJSU
- ski-list - ski-list, a group of avid skiers and snowboarders, advocating for snow sports.
- soccer_team - This is a mailing list for soccer player in bay area.
- stepper - "Step by Step" organizes biweekly ballroom dance practices and dance parties.
- supertime - A Chinese professionals group in Bay Area for friendship, fun, help and how to enjoy our life.
- svChinesesingles - SVChineseSingles is for single Chinese in Silicon Valley who are too busy with career development or find going to dances/parties is not an effective way to meet quality people.
- sv_friends - Every weekend night. We'll get together for fun. We're non-profit Chinese group. Everyone is welcomed!
- sv_rfid: RFID SIG - To gather the Chinese engineers in the Bay Area and China as well other parts of the country who are interested in RFID technology.
- svcwireless - Silicon Valley Chinese Wireless Technology Association
- svinfoex - Silicon Valley Information Exchange
- tianda-alum - Tianjin (Peiyang) University Alumni at Silicon Valley, CA, USA
- tsinghua - Silicon Valley Tsinghua Network
- uestar - UESTC University Electronic Science
- ustc-sv - University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Alumni Assocation at Silicon Valley
- volleyball-fremont - SyPA, East Bay volleyball group
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