Dance, Music and Theater

  • Academy of Chinese Performing Arts - strives to plant a firm root of Chinese performing arts in the fertile land of the multicultural United States.
  • Bay Area Cantonese Opera - dedicated to promoting and discussing Cantonese Opera in the Bay Area
  • Bayland Dancing - Chinese dancing performance group in Bay area
  • Chinese Music Net - Introduce chinese classical music and instruments. guqin, guzheng,pipa,erhu, xiao and danbau etc. offering music lessons and sell chinese music instruments such as the guqin, guzheng, ehru, xiao and pipa and chinese musical books, vcds and music vds and so
  • Chinese Music Net - Introduce chinese classical music and instruments. guqin, guzheng,pipa,erhu, xiao and danbau etc. offering music lessons and sell chinese music instruments such as the guqin, guzheng, ehru, xiao and pipa and chinese musical books, vcds and music vds and so
  • Chinese Performing Artists of America (CPAA) - Chinese Performing Artists of America (CPAA)
  • ChingChing Chorus - ChingChing Chorus
  • Dimension Performing Arts - The nonprofit Dimension Performing Arts, Inc. enhances inter-cultural understanding by promoting Chinese performing arts and cultural activities.
  • HUA YI Performing Group - A non-profit organization whose mission is to promote Chinese American Culture through Theater Arts.
  • Melody of China - a Chinese music ensemble based in the San Francisco Bay Area
  • North American Guqin Association - promote Guqin music;introduce Guqin music; exchange guqin informatio, make Qin friends; offer Guqin lessons; listen guqin music online; buy guqin online; produce guqin CD; arrange and give Guqin performance and so on
  • Premier Ballroom - Ballroom located in Fremont, hosting dance parties
  • SVAY - Silicon Valley Ai Yue Chorus
  • Silicon Valley Chorus - Silicon Valley Chorus
  • Voices of the Valley - A mixed-voice choir that comprises of talented singers from all over the Bay Area
  • Wang Fei offical website - Guqin and guzheng performer and teacher, whose guqin music was represented Chinese music included in a music of the world audio CD
  • Zhi Yin Chorus - Zhi Yin Chorus

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