Chinese Churches
- Church Directory - A directory of churches in the U.S.
- Agape at SF Sharon Chinese Baptist Chuch - Agape at San Francisco Sharon Chinese Baptist Church
- Bay Area Chinese Bible Church - "A Church for the Whole Family." Home of Chinese Christian Schools.
- Bay Area Chinese Bible Church - "A Church for the Whole Family." Home of Chinese Christian Schools.
- Chinese Baptist Church of San Jose - Chinese Baptist Church of San Jose
- Chinese Church In Christ North Valley - Web Site of Chinese Church In Christ North Valley
- Chinese Church in Christ, Mountain View - Chinese Church in Christ, Mountain View
- Chinese Independent Baptist Church of Fremont - Fremont Church with English and Cantonese services.
- Chinese Maranatha Bible Church - An English-speaking Chinese church meeting in Danville, CA. Site includes ministries, events, and directions.
- Christ Community Chinese Alliance Church - Hayward
- Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church - English, Mandarin and Cantonese services and K-12 School
- Crosspoint Chinese Church of Silicon Valley - Milpitas - a seeker-sensitive church serving the Cantonese speaking people in the Bay Area.
- Faith In Grace Bible Church - Mandarin speaking partner of the First Baptist Church of Los Altos, high quality childrens programs
- Friendship Agape Church - A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Chinese-English Bilingual Worship Service
- Gospel Chinese Christian Church - Milpitas - everything you need to know about Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father for all ages.
- Home of Christ - Milpitas - includes links to other Chinese Christian churches and resources.
- Living Grace United Methodist Church - located in downtown Mountain View, catering to English-speaking Asian Americans
- Mountain View Chinese Christian Church - Mountain View - services in both English and Mandarin; site contains event calander, newsletter, prayer request, and fellowship information.
- Online Church Finder - A directory of Christian churches in the U.S..
- River Of Life Christian Church - Santa Clara
- SF bayarea Living Water Chinese Christian Church - SF bayarea Living Water Chinese Christian Church
- San Jose Chinese Alliance Church - - San Jose
- Sharon Chinese Baptist Church - San Francisco Sharon Chinese Baptist Church
- Sharon Chinese Baptist Church - San Francisco Sharon Chinese Baptist Church
- Southbay Chinese Baptist Church - San Jose - church of Cantonese speaking college students and young professionals who come together for worship.
- The Crossing Ministry at CFC Church of Hayward - Crossing into God's abundant life!
- Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church - Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church
- West Valley Christian Alliance Church - San Jose
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